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icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image Riyad, Saudi Arabia icon_widget_image + (966) 1234-567-8900 + (966) 1234-567-8900 icon_widget_image info@mqsad.com wilmer2@mikadothemes.com

Ceiling Work

Ceiling Work

Our company depends on the implementation of ceiling works to obtain the best results on technical specialists with high experience in the field of ceiling works, and we are always keen to follow the newest in the world of decoration and interior design and the use of the latest interior finishing techniques and the highest implementation materials, whether gypsum or wooden ceilings or aluminum or any of the new materials used in the finishing and forming of ceilings, looking forward to our work to reach international quality